Headline: The Weather Vein
Date: February 22, 2008
Byline: John F. Bonfatti
" Or I check out for four easy steps to a vacation destination that meets your climatological criteria. Select the month you're going, what temperature range you want the weather and what your geographical preferences are and it will spit out places that meet your criteria and what kind of weather to expect."

Headline: How's the Weather? You Mean the Climate?
Date: January 17, 2008
Byline: Ed Perkins
"My favorite remains Weatherbase, Despite the name, it's really about climate, and it lists climate data for 16,439 locations worldwide - mostly detailed, a few more rudimentary. Its most detailed reports provide just about any information you'd like to know. Data are monthly, for an entire year. As an example, the entry for Denver shows:
-- Temperatures: Average, average high, average low, highest recorded, lowest recorded, average number of really hot days (above 90 degrees), average number of warm days (above 70 degrees), average number of cool days (below 32 degrees) and average number of really cold days (below 10 degrees).
-- Precipitation: Average total precipitation and average snowfall.
-- Outdoor conditions: Average probability of sunshine, average number of clear days, average number of cloudy days, average number of partly cloudy days and average number of rainy days.
The reference temperatures for really hot, warm, cool and really cold vary by destination. And some irrelevant listings are omitted, such as snowfall in Los Angeles. Even many small U.S. communities, such as my home area in Medford, Ore., get the same full treatment."

Headline: Cruise Tips
Date: September 9, 2007
Page: J8
Byline: Spud Hilton
"Mother Nature can be a harsh travel agent. She can turn a cruise in the sunniest time of year into seven days of torrential downpour. Or fog. Or oppressive humidity. Or flying monkeys. Avoiding: No guarantees, but research improves the odds. Start at and look up temperatures and rainy-day stats for each port, especially the departure city. Go to for trip-planning features and a thorough section on hurricane season. (If you can't pass up the bargains that time of year, build in a few extra days at the end of the trip in case the ship can't return for a while.) "

Headline: Sites to Behold
Date: August 20, 2007
"If you're checking out other places to live, take a look at the average temperatures of many of the cities across the globe. Your boss may push International Falls, Minn., as the "Sun Capital of the Midwest" but thanks to, you'll know better."

Headline: Savvy senior: Advice on retirement spots
Date: October 6, 2006
Byline: Jim Miller
"Climate: Do you like warm weather and sunny skies year round, or do you appreciate the change in seasons and a nice winter snowfall? To get monthly climate statistics of the locations you're interested in, see It's also a wise idea to visit the city or area at least once in the winter and once in the summer to get a feel for weather changes."

Headline: Cool, Cloudy, Hot, Sunny? Weather sites offer data
Date: September 15, 2002
Byline: Ed Perkins
Section: Travel
Page: M03
"The best climate site I've seen so far is Weatherbase ( It provides yearly data, by month, for more than 16,000 worldwide locations. Where data are available, it shows monthly averages for daily temperature, high daily temperature, low daily temperature, highest and lowest recorded temperatures, number of days with maximum temperature over 90 degrees, number of days with maximum temperature over a more temperate figure that varies by location, number of days below 32 degrees, number of days below 5 degrees, precipitation, snowfall, percentage of sunny days, number of clear days, number of cloudy days, number of partly cloudy days, number of rainy days."

Headline: Netwatcher: Top Ten Sites of the Week
Date:April 21, 2002
Byline: Laurie Hoffman
Section: Personal Technology
Page: 2E
Note: This same article appeared in The Charlotte Observer (6/20/02; Business - 3D) , The San Diego Union-Tribune (6/17/02; Business - E2), Des Moines Register (5/4/02; Life - 1E), The (Columbia, S.C.) State (4/25/02; Life & Style - D2), and Cox News Service (4/22/02)
"Check before you go Select the month you're traveling, the destination and the desired climate, and Weatherbase will find travel spots fitting your criteria. Site cities range from Africa to throughout North America."

Headline: Illuminating The Web; Smarter software and know-how are mining the nooks and crannies conventional tools can't reach
Date: July 9, 2001
Byline: Michael Brunton
Section: International Edition - Business
Page: 44
Random Side Note: The founders were on a vacation in London for, of all things, a Madonna concert and totally found this article by accident while reading Time in our hotel room. This was pre-smartphone and pre-WiFi. Retro serendipity.
"On The Invisible Web You Can...
Check the weather... (in 16,434 world cities)"

Headline: Travel Q & A
Date: June 10, 2001
Byline: Paul Freireich
Section: Travel
Page: 22
Note: This same article appeared in The Kitchener-Waterloo Record (6/10/01; Travel- G3)
"Monthly data for 10,200 cities are provided at Though there are fewer places covered here than, say, at, there are more categories of data -- typically, a sampling showed, 10 to 18 categories, including the number of days below 32 degrees, average morning humidity and lowest and highest recorded temperature."

Headline: Weather Surfing
Date: November 28, 1999
Byline: Karen Haymon Long
Section: Travel
Page: 1
"To pick a vacation place based on the weather, zero in on
This site shrewdly matches your selected weather conditions with a worldwide database of historic weather to help you decide where - and when - to go. Specify your month of travel, indicate maximum and minimum temperatures and the site recommends matching places all over the world.
Narrow your choice geographically to target places more specifically. Want nothing below 70 or above 85 in December? You're headed to Aruba - or Hambantota, Russia."

Headline: Web Site Weather
Date: November 16, 1999
Byline: Lisa Marshall
"This extremely user-friendly sight offers quick , basic weather averages for more than 5,700 cities worldwide. Type in the ZIP code of the place you are wondering about, and you'll promptly find out average highs, lows and precipitation statistics for the month in question, as well as more esoteric information such as average windspeed and most rainfall ever to fall in one day. Plug in a Boulder ZIP and you'll get statistics on 10 cities in and around Boulder County."

Headline: e-Xcursions
Date: November 15, 1999
Byline: H. William Bodurka
"A trip to ( will also prove engaging. A climatological extravaganza, Weatherbase is an 'authoritative source for finding monthly weather records and averages for more than 5,700 cities worldwide.' A collection of over 4 million datapoints reveals from 10 to 25 statistics for each city, including 'Average Number of Days Above 65F/18C,' 'Average No. of Days With Blowing Dust/Sand,' 'Deepest Snow Cover Reported' and 'Highest Recorded Temperature.'
Answering the seemingly evasive 'What's the weather like there?' is as easy as selecting a specific region of the globe or simply typing in a city, state, country or ZIP code. The California city listing can help decide whether you should drive south to Calexico or north to Ukiah for a weekend getaway.
Or perhaps your travel plans include Miami, Toronto or even Morocco. In that case, you'd be well advised to access the site's 'Vacation Finder,' which promises to 'help you find your next vacation spot' in about 45 seconds. Not bad. Just planning a few virtual vacations can really lift the spirits."

Headline: On the Net
Date: November 14, 1999
Section: Travel
Page: 4G
"To pick a vacation place based on the weather, visit It matches your selected weather conditions with a worldwide database of historic weather."

Headline: What's the Deal?
Date: October 31, 1999
Section: Travel
Page: E03
Note: This same article appeared in the Vancouver Sun (11/6/99; Travel - I4), Akron Beacon-Journal (11/14/99; Life Style - H2) and The Arizona Republic (11/14/99; Travel - T2).
"To pick a vacation place based on the weather, check out /weather/vacation on the Web. This site matches your selected weather conditions with a worldwide database of historic weather to tell you where to go. Specify your month of travel, indicate maximum and minimum temperatures and the site recommends matching places all over the world. Narrow your choice geographically to target places more specifically. Want nothing below 70 or above 85 in December? You're headed to Aruba -- or Hambantota, Russia."

Date: August, 1999
Note: A best of the Web pick from Weather Guide Michael Cyger. Weatherbase was also selected by 22 other guides, particularly in travel, as a recommended site.
"Fantastic site including over 5,700 sites worldwide. Also includes a unique vacation weather finder -- four steps to the weather you want on your next vacation! -- as well as a glossary and calculators."